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Boarding Rates
for Pack Walking Clients
One night: $75.00, 2nd dog $55.00
2+ Weeknights: $65.00 per night, 2nd dog $45.00
Weekends (Fri-Sat): $67.50 per night, 2nd dog $47.50
Long Holiday Weekend (Fri, Sat, & holiday): $75 per night, 2nd dog $55.00. *
Extended Stay: First 5 days $65.00/night, then $55.00/night for balance of stay
* Please note: Pricing is subject to availability and specific dates. Holiday rates will apply for statutory holidays, March Break (7 days), and Christmas Break (7 days)
Price Includes
- One pack walk per night of stay at our private dog park
- GPS tracking, if required, for dogs not familiar with the person boarding them
- Photos/videos on social media, and updates by text or email
- Pick up and drop off -- noon to mid afternoon pickup and noon drop off.
- Lots of cuddles and treats
Other Fees:
Drop off past noon: If you are delayed beyond noon we charge a daycare rate of $35.00 if between 1-5 hours. If it goes beyond 5 hours then the boarding rate applies.
Cancellation: If less than 48 hours notice $50.00

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